Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Strygwyr - BloodSeeker - Guide

The Bloodseeker


>I< Introduction

An unusual hybrid of Demon and Orc, Strygwyr is an outcast amongst all mortal creatures. By thriving on and bathing himself with the blood of those he slays, Strygwyr can heal his wounds - even those that could prove fatal. Beware the fool who dares venturing alone, for Strygwyr can sense his blood miles away and gain vision through his helpless prey's eyes. Having ruptured the enemy with mighty blows in his bloodthirsty frenzies, Strygwyr corners his foe into making the impossible decision - bleed to death by trying to outrun the hasty demon, or be ripped to shreds in its awesome fury.

Hello, this is my second guide I ever make in DotA so I am expecting for a lot of feedback, so I can make guides better.

But remember that its not always the hero and the items you have, it is the skills that the player has. You can have all of the items you ever imagined. The most expensives ones like or or , but it only depends on you. So I hope you use this guide, try the items, try the killing ways and how to encounter enemies and I will even let you make changes to item build.

>II< Stats

->23 + 2
->24 + 2.6
->18 + 1.7
Affiliation: Scourge
Damage: 47 - 57
Armor: 3.4 Base
Attack Time: 1.7
Movespeed: 300
Missile Speed: Instant
Attack Range: 128 (melee)
Sight Range: 1800 / 800

Stats Analysis:
The Bloodseeker is an agility heroe, has as much strengh as agility, the movement speed is average. Has regular armor and is a melee character.

Personal Opinion:
He is an adept HUNTER because of skill #3 and a TANK by Bloodbath, killing creeps regenerates his Hp.

(+) Nice hunter.
(+) Can do heavy amounts of damage in little time.
(+) If he casts Rupture on a unit, the unit moves, it dies, the unit stops, it dies.

(-) It's fairly item/skill dependant and his Rupture may be countered easily

>III< Skills
1. Bloodrage >D<
Drives a unit into a bloodthristy rage. That unit is unable to cast spells, has its attack damage increased, and loses a small amount of hit points every second.

Level 1: Increases damage by 20%, takes 20 HP per second.
Level 2: Increases damage by 40%, takes 15 HP per second.
Level 3: Increases damage by 60%, takes 10 HP per second.
Level 4: Increases damage by 80%, takes 5 HP per second.

(+) The skill is usefull in certain situations. Even though it won't stun them, it will assure DoT and Silence.
(+) Can be used to deny yourself or an ally, as well can kill a low HP enemy hero.

(-) Increases damage of the unit being casted, works on enemies as well
(-) Silence the unit and that may affect if your activating on a carry unit.

2. Bloodbath >Passive<
Whenever Strygwyr kills a unit, he bathes himself in the blood, regenerating his life source.

Level 1: Regenerates 10% of the Hero's max hp. 10% for creeps.
Level 2: Regenerates 20% of the Hero's max hp. 15% for creeps.
Level 3: Regenerates 30% of the Hero's max hp. 20% for creeps.
Level 4: Regenerates 40% of the Hero's max hp. 25% for creeps.

(+) Big regeneration for kills
(+) No need for salves or regeneration items, you just have to kill units to regenerate.

(-) The regeneration happens ONLY when a unit dies by the Bloodseeker if not, then it won't happen.

3. Strygwyr's Thirst >Passive<
Enables Strygwyr to sense the bleeding of any enemy hero below 40% hp. If he finds one, Strygwyr gains vision of that unit and increased movement speed.

Level 1: Increases movement speed by 11%. Grants vision of the target
Level 2: Increases movement speed by 22%. Grants vision of the target.
Level 3: Increases movement speed by 33%. Grants vision of the target
Level 4: Increases movement speed by 44%. Grants vision of the target

(+) Perfect for hunting.
(+) Grants that extra speed we need to 'last-hit' the scaping target.

(-) You tell me

4. Rupture >R<
Deals a mighty blow to the enemy causing any movement to result in bleeding and loss of life.

Level 1: 150 initial damage. Deals 20% of the distance moved as damage.
Level 2: 250 initial damage. Deals 40% of the distance moved as damage.
Level 3: 350 initial damage. Deals 60% of the distance moved as damage.

(+) Deals lots of damage if the unit does not notice untils its low hp.
(+) You move, you die, you stop, you die.
(+) Deals Pure Dmg, so it won't be reduce neither by armor nor by magic resistance. Low CD, fairly MP cost.

(-) It can easily be countered by enemies with Linken's Sphere.

>IV< Skill Build

Skill Build #1

Lvl 1: Bloodrage/Bloodbath
Lvl 2: Bloodrage/Bloodbath
Lvl 3: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 4: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 5: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 6: Rupture
Lvl 7: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 8: Bloodbath
Lvl 9: Bloodbath
Lvl 10: Bloodbath
Lvl 11: Rupture
Lvl 12: Bloodrage
Lvl 13: Bloodrage
Lvl 14: Bloodrage
Lvl 15: Stats
Lvl 16: Bloodbath
Lvl 17-25: Stats

OK, we want to gank ASAP, so we max out Thirst first of all. Bloodbath at lvl 1 or 2 (that's up to you) to increase our survivality and Bloodrage to start a gank or to do some dps (It's got decent mana cost, so spamming isn't much of a problem. If so, a Sobi Mask or some Clarities will do the rest). Rupture is taken whenever possible for obvious reasons, then max Bloodbath to ensure your ganks. At Mid Game you should have Bloodrage Lvl 2/3 so you may want to start casting it on yourself/allies/carry or just skill it on the enemy initiator (can be used to cancel channelings too).

Skill Build #2 - Real Survivality

Lvl 1: Bloodrage/Bloodbath
Lvl 2: Bloodbath/Bloodrage
Lvl 3: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 4: Bloodbath
Lvl 5: Bloodbath
Lvl 6: Rupture
Lvl 7: Bloodbath
Lvl 8: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 9: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 10: Strygwyr's Thirst
Lvl 11: Rupture
Lvl 12: Bloodrage
Lvl 13: Bloodrage
Lvl 14: Bloodrage
Lvl 15: Stats
Lvl 16: Rupture
Lvl 17-25: Stats

This will give you a maximum survivality both in lane and jungle. Only recommended if you had a bad time farming (getting harrased/nuked/ganked) and you want to recover yourself a little bit in jungle. But beware, your ganking capacities will get very affected early, thus you may not kill/gank as much as you like or would.
Skill build contribution by Syado

>V< Item Build
These items are the items that the Blood should have when the game begins. There is two set build for Core, each for each build and Luxury works perfectly on both.

Starting Items

The starting items are three Ironwood branches, one slipper, one Quelling Blade, and Tangoes for regeneration. The Ironwoods will become wand, the slipper can become a Wraith. The Quelling is for last-hitting the creeps. You can add more Wraiths, I would but its your call. If you got any other starting build, then write on the comment section. =D

Core Items


Great item on a Blood if you can farm it fast (17-20 mins~ mark). Killing creeps with Radiance activates Bloodbath. The Radiance-healing is pretty useful because we can stop a big push even with low life (orange/redish).

I've recieved lots of comments and you are right. This is a MUST. So before getting any item build below, you must get this because it can assure kills.

Item Build #1


Extended Core

Due to the fact that we are a natural ganker (and we've focused in our ganking rather that our surviving abilities) let's take a look at this build. We have: MS+, AS+, Dmg++, LS, Ganking/Chasing/Escaping Mechanisms, Armor, HP/MP reg, magic immunity/tanking, ect. Ok, we're a killing beast.
The choice between the Phase or Treads can vary, if what you need is to have attack dmg, then go for Phase, if you need AS and Agility then go for Treads. On the Gameplay section, Force explanation.

Item Build #2


Extended Core

With this build (and our skills) we ensure a maximum survivality through most of the game. The fact that we've got Mord in our build is simple: HP burst, AS, Dmg and lots of survivality with the Activation/Deactivation method. BKB explains itself. Dominator can help us with our low ganking skills (Dominating a Neutral Centaur/Troll/Ursa can work big time in our favor), and can be improved later to Sata increasing our HP, our tanking capacities/survivality, and the mega LS upon activation is quite useful in Late Game.


The Butterfly

This item is to complete the Bloodseeker's role as an agility hero.

Buriza - Do - Kyanon

Do the item if you got Crystalis because it will be easier to follow the recipe. Your choice if you want to begin the whole thing again.

Assault Cuirass

To complete the Armor missing the Bloodseeker needs, get this item as the last on the list.


To complete the 25 strenght and the 25% lifesteal. For the Real Late Games.

Return Top
Optional Items


Simple Combo - Rupture + Force Staff + Dagon = Kill. Higher lvls of Rupture (Lvl 3 in specific) should demand a change in the Combo, going like: Dagon + Hit + Rupture + Hit (Perhaps some running) = Kill.

Lothar's Edge

I'm mentioning it but I prefer to have it on "Rejected Items". You gain invi, backstab (for the opening hit), increased MS and Dmg. I don't recommend it because we already have our pasive (44% MS, HUGE area), therefore we (imho) waste a item slot.

Stygian Desolator

Perfect item for a combo Rupture + Bloodrage or Dagon. If the enemy stays still, you can finish him with the -armor orb.

Manta Style

Can be instead of the Butterfly, the copies can be very usefull for hunting since the Thirst will work on all three.

Surviving Issues
Any problems surviving against enemies? Then choose one of these.

Linken's Sphere

I'm mentioning it but I prefer to have it on When disablers or nukers try to take control and kill you but Linken can avoid that.


If staying on your lane is difficult and when there is not so many tanks on the team.

>VI< Gameplay

When to Pick
The Bloodseeker is a hero that can really do severe amounts of damage by Rupture but it still, that's not enough to take an enemy out if he does not have DPS partners so you got to have 2 at least as partners and one stuner.

When not to Pick
Don't pick when your team does not have DPS and most of the heroes are mostly Tankers. Mages on the other team can screw up the plans if they are disablers. Tanks don't affect the Blood because Rupture is pure damage.

Early Game
This is the time when you choose the lane where you play and I usually recommend going for the bottom. Play against melee characters as the Blood because with a Ranged on your lane won't let you kill creeps or deny to get Bloodbath. Buy the items, beginning first with the Quelling Blades. I recommend maxing out Bloodbath and Thirst first. Only make Bloodrage stay as level one to make it a DoT when the enemy is scaping.

Middle Game
This is the time where the build desicion is important so depending on the enemy heroes is when you choose the build, if lots of tanks then choose #2 if not then #1. Max out anytime Rupture because its the skill that will grant the Bloodseeker some kills. Max out the 3 skills except for Bloodrage, and THEN do it when there is no more skills to increase. Bloodrage will become your DPS ability later in the game because the DoT will be of 5hp and with 80% damage increase. By level 8, the Bloodseeker can become a very powerful hunting machine.

Late Game
Do Roshan by now and get at least one Luxury item. Getting Buriza would be the best option because of the damage and the x2.4 critical, that's enough to solo someone. By now your team should be pretty powerful if you got the right partners in the game.

Take your team as soon as possible in middle game to take the Aegis, that means a gold boost and xp too. The Bloodseeker can be usefull as tank. Overpower and Rupture don't work so good on Roshan unless you got force and activate it.

In this section, we discuss any technique that can be applied to the Bloodseeker, such as skills combos and item combos.
The Force Staff
The Force makes a target move 600 units in the direction targeted. This unit works perfectly with the bloodseeker if the unit is not moving. Some people decide to stop moving because he notices Rupture, THAT is the time when you activate because if they are moving Rupture won't do much damage. There is a damage limit if the distance traveled and the damage the Rupture releases.
Bloodrage + Rupture
Some heroes, such as the Pandaren or the Bambi, have skills that interrump Rupture. The Pandaren divides and Rupture dispels. Bambi invokes the Wisps. First, activate Rupture and when they notice, activate Bloodrage and finish them by yourself. Rupture goes first, then Bloodrage.
Rupture is one of the most quiet spells in the game it should be applied mostly on tanks, not on ranged, since they don't move so much for the Rupture unless you got Force. Rupture must be applied when the unit comes to attack, he will move forward and when he notices that his life is low, he will return. Rupture works two times.
Dagon does a combo with Rupture and Bloodrage. First activate the Bloodrage, to make the target helpless because he doesn't have any spells that would help. Then target Rupture or viceversa. His life must be low, if he stops, activate Force. Then follow him and activate Dagon. Make only one upgrade because 500 is enough to finish enemies. You can later upgrade as luxury.

>VII< Friends and Foes


Disablers work perfectly with the Bloodseeker. They increase damage and stun, while the Bloodseeker attacks. The target tries to scape, you activate Rupture, they move only 300 units and stop. You activate Force, and if you want, finish with Dagon. Any questions?


Disablers, worst enemies and silencer too. Rupture is very important, best skill on the Bloodseeker, if he cannot activate, he is almost useless.

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